Saturday, July 17, 2010

Yes...I cleaned all day AGAIN!!

Now you can see the floor in my dining room! Yeah!!! However you still can't see the top of the table. Ha! Ha!  But by Monday you will! I have seriously thought about having and open house (Norman would object strongly! lol) just to prove that my house can really be clean. I have to learn and help my children learn that everything has a place, and we must place everything in its would make my summers less "messy"  hahaha

The girls and Norman really did help bunches! Norman even painted my rocking chairs for our front porch! Yeah!

This is a picture from this morning of the girls enjoying the "Fruit" of our labor!  literally....ha! (We made blackberry jam last night. We had biscuits and jam this morning....Yummy!
This afternnon while I was trying to get Emma Klaire to take a nap she said, "O.k. Mama I mam happy now!"
(That is her way of thinking that she can get out of a nap because I am always telling her if she takes a nap she will feel better and be happy.)  I mam= I am   LOL

Also BIG news...Ella Kate pulled her loose tooth! You Go Girl!

So until next time...find JOY!


  1. Chris loves blackberry jam! I'm enjoying reading and glad you have figured it all out :)
