Saturday, July 24, 2010

And So are the Days of Our Lives...

Thursday we just hung around the house. Nana came and brought pizza. She swam with us which is always fun. The girls played so well together! The had Krissa  (doll) a birthday party. It took them all morning to get it "ready" and then it was over in just a couple of minutes! HA!  Reminds me of playing dolls when I was little.

Picture taken by Ella Kate

Getting ready for Krissa's birthday party!
We do have our moments! Everything is not always "peachy"  HA!

Friday ... we played and swam. I found out I can't get into my school room until Thursday!   Ugh!!! Panic! I just have decided I can't worry about it. It will get done one way or another. Friday night Ella Kate went with Memaw and Pepaw to see a TCT production of a spin off of Pinocchio. She absolutely loved it!!! Emma Klaire and I went and visited Nana and then went to Wal-Mart.

Saturday we went to Haylee's birthday party (friend from church) at Hoptown. The girls had a blast. I had a few pictures, but the red-eye was so bad...I just couldn't get them to look right. We came home and got in the is so HOT!!!! I am worried Norman will get sick outside. He if fixing me a new flower bed with those really big rocks. It will look great when it is finished.

Ella Kate has been wanting steak which we don't eat very much. So I decided for us to run to Piggly Wiggly and get steak and the "fixin's". 
Menu for tonight
Homemade Mac & Cheese
1/2 Potatoes baked upside down
Lemon Cake


Ella Kate has been wanting to try a trick Nana told her about for ddecorating a cake. You use a plain paper towel with an imprint on it. Very gently you press the paper towel on the icing to make an imprint.  We couldn't get it to work for us, but the cake was good.

So until next time.....I hope you.find lots of JOY!

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